Working From Home? How To Keep Your Devices Secure Using Software

As the world recovers from the Coronavirus pandemic, the corporate landscape and workers within it might have to adapt to what could be the ‘new normal’ for many months, or even years, to come.

A key part of this new situation will involve working from home, as many companies have had to close their premises and allow their staff to work remotely.

Working from home is a major adjustment, and as just 30% of staff experienced working from home in 2019, it’s clear that many staff might find themselves lost and unsure of how to behave.

Your company will also be adapting, but it’s important that you check that you personally are doing the right things to make the transition as smooth as possible.

As a result of the move towards remote working, many organisations have had to review their cybersecurity procedures.

Cybersecurity isn’t just the responsibility of your company; every individual working from home needs to adapt their working practices to ensure the safety of their work devices and the data they access on them.

If you’re unsure of how to keep your devices secure now that you’re working from home, read on to find some practical tips on how you can use software products to improve the security of your devices.

Get An Antivirus Software Product

An obvious suggestion but an important one, it’s essential that you find an antivirus software product that will keep your devices safe. This is particularly vital if you intend to use your personal devices, such as your smartphone, for work. You might not have considered installing antivirus software on your phone before, but now that you are using it for work, you will need to find a product that protects it. An obvious suggestion, but an important one, is to install professional PC and MAC utilities and security tools, such as an antivirus software product that will keep your devices safe.

Install A VPN

A Virtual Private Network, commonly known as a VPN, lets you securely connect to another network via the internet. It can not only improve your privacy but also allow you to access your work’s network safely. Compare My VPN offers a variety of VPN reviews and comparisons, so you can find the solution that will best suit your needs.

Keep Your Software Up To Date

Any piece of software is only as good as its latest update, and if you’re not updating your computer’s software, then you could find yourself with gaps in your cybersecurity. As such, you need to make sure that you keep your software up to date, even products that aren’t used for cybersecurity. Any software might develop a security flaw, and if you’re not keeping it updated, then you might find that there is a gap in your security that criminals can exploit.

Pay Your Suppliers Securely

If you regularly make payments to suppliers, then you’ll need to find a secure way to do it. As the world is in a crisis, a hacker accessing your company’s bank accounts could be disastrous. Review the online payment products on the market to find one that will keep your company’s financial information safe throughout your time working from home and further into the future.

Find A Secure Video Conferencing Solution 

Video conferencing is a great alternative to physical meetings, particularly now that so many individuals are working from home. One of the most popular free video conferencing products is Zoom, but the solution has some serious security flaws. Explore the secure alternatives to Zoom on the market to find one that will allow you to video conference with your colleagues and clients in confidence.

Working from home is an adjustment that requires a lot of hard work and attention to detail to get right. These tips should help you to improve your cybersecurity and keep your business-critical data safe.

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