7 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid


A marketing campaign needs to be planned out well and needs to focus on the strengths of your company and business model. However, even if you have such a campaign, all you need is one mistake and the whole strategy can fail.

With marketing campaigns, sometimes the best thing you can do is avoid making obvious mistakes and let your business rely on the quality of your products and services. That’s more than enough if you can maintain it for a while. Satisfied clients will do the promotional work for you.

Pushing too hard

It’s important to try to hang on to clients. You need to keep promoting your brand and to keep your clients and potential clients informed about your future offers. This is especially true if you’re trying to bring back the visitors who have been to your site but haven’t made a purchase.

However, it’s important not to go too far with this. If you’re spamming the clients with messages too often, you might reach the opposite effect and make them dislike your business for being too pushy. The messages mustn’t be repetitive and over the top.

Ineffective customer service

Customer services are where most clients get to interact with your business firsthand, which is something that often happens when there’s a problem of some kind. It’s crucial for this experience to be both helpful and pleasant. This means that you need to hire employees who are good with people and who can handle stressful situations well to perform this job. You should also consider paying them well because this job isn’t easy.

It’s also a good idea to keep track of the most common complaints and have a script for your customer service to deal with them more efficiently.

Not encouraging referrals

One of the best ways to get new customers is to ask for referrals from the old ones. This will expand your network of customers and create a buzz even among those who haven’t actually checked your business out. A lot of companies hesitate to do so because they don’t want to bother their customers, but it is a useful tool and it’s easy to encourage it.

Try offering codes, discounts or special offers to those who bring you the new clients. This way you reward loyalty and promote your company as one that cares about its clients.

Forgetting about the offline world

These days it may sometimes seem like online marketing is all there is, but that’s hardly true. A lot of customers can only be reached offline, and it’s still very important to get to them too, but many companies forget about this.

One of the most inexpensive and useful promotional devices that are underused are promotional products. Giving away some pens, customized promotional USB drives or notebooks with your company logo on them can take you a long way.

Never checking on your competitors

It’s fine to be original, in fact, that’s one of the best things you can do for your campaigns. However, you shouldn’t work in a bubble; your business needs to keep track of your competitors in the field. This will make your marketing campaigns and your services as a whole better suited to the standards of the market.

Don’t try to emulate your competitors. That’s easy to notice and it won’t help your reputation. The goal should be to have an idea of what’s out there and to keep your campaign in line with what’s expected.

Failing to organize

Marketing is a creative field. That means that people working in it aren’t always suited for working in teams or taking orders. This can cause a lot of problem on a day-to-day basis and can make your business seem unorganized and not entirely professional. It’s imperative to avoid this and to organize your marketing department in a serious and deliberate manner.

This mostly means that you need to create schedules that aren’t negotiable and delegate the tasks in a way that takes into consideration the talents of each of your employees individually.

Not taking feedback

Social media allows you to get real-time feedback from your customers and clients. This is one of the most useful features of social media and you need to take advantage of it. It isn’t enough to follow the interactions with each post; you also must take into account what kind of reactions the posts generate.

It’s frustrating for companies to suddenly change the campaign they have worked on so hard, but if the feedback tells you to do so, it’s better to comply regardless of the cost. In the end, the campaign is there to help the customers.

These mistakes are pretty common and most businesses and industries are guilty of making them. By trying to avoid them you’ll be able to make the most of your campaign and showcase your business in the best possible manner.

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