3 Types of Industrial Accidents and How to Avoid Them

Industrial business owners must implement practices that lower common accidents in the workplace. Even with worker’s compensation coverage, workers are protected fully when more profound injuries occur. The circumstances could lead to a major lawsuit against the business owner. Reviewing 3 types of industrial accidents and how to avoid them helps business owners mitigate risks more effectively.

#1. Direct Contact With Moving Machinery Parts

Direct contact with moving machinery parts places all workers at risk of a serious injury. If the worker places their hand in the wrong place, the worker could become maimed and/or lose a limb. Business owners must follow proper protocols for keeping the workers safe and preventing them from facing injuries due to coming in close contact with moving machinery parts. Industrial business owners can use way covers and bellows to cover the moving parts and prevent direct access for workers. To learn more about the covers and bellows, business owners can review the inventory of products through Dynatect now.

#2. The Risk of Arch Flashes

Arc flashes occur when machinery electrical connection is faulty and allows an electrical discharge that travels through the air or hits the ground. Typically, the risk is significantly higher in high voltage environments where several conductors are positioned within close proximity of each other. In these environments, electrical maintenance workers must test the machinery at regular intervals for potential electrical risks. The maintenance staff must use lock out tag out protocol for any machinery that presents a risk to the workers. Once the machine is shut down, tagged, and locked no one can start the machine until the maintenance worker who locked the machine performs necessary repairs and eliminates the risks.

An arc flash can increase the risk of burns and fatalities in high voltage environments. The events happen quickly and often without any warning. All workers who work in these environments must have access to PPE according to their risk of injuries within the high voltage environment. Avoiding the risks requires the employer to provide proper electrical maintenance workers for the business and issue PPE for all workers.

#3. Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can happen because of several reasons. First, if a worker fails to wear proper footwear according to the safety policies issued by the employer there is a greater risk of a slip and fall. Chemical spills are another risk that could lead to slip and fall accidents. It is necessary for the employer to monitor the property for potential hazards and explain what workers should do if they discover a hazard. The hazards could also increase the risk of customer-related injuries and premises liability lawsuits.

Implementing necessary safety policies and mitigation plans lowers these risks for the business owner and protects their workers and visitors. The employer must review all possible slip and fall hazards in the building according to what tasks are performed each day throughout the building. Workers must follow these new policies and lower risks to their co-workers and visitors proactively.

Industrial business owners must follow OSHA regulations and keep their workers safer. In industrial environments, risks are more profound and could lead to a fatality quickly. Arc flashes are a common occurrence in industrial buildings that operate high voltage machinery. Reviewing 3 types of industrial accidents and how to prevent them helps the business owner protect their workers and visitors more proactively and avoid OSHA violations.

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