Tips for Visuals that Attract on Social Networks

Posting content on social networks is good. But if you have decided to create profiles for your business, it’s mainly because you want to gain visibility. Here are 3 tips for producing viral visual content for social networks.

#1- Bet on the human

Whether on Facebook, on Instagram, on LinkedIn or on any other social network, you do not talk to search engine robots, you only talk to humans whose eyes are automatically attracted more by pictures of his congeners. The key word is to contextualize your products and stage them with their users, whether you offer windows or clothes.

However, do not forget to subtitle your visuals to make sure that it conveys your message and that it is correctly interpreted by the Internet users. You will also be able to let your humanity speak and show the values โ€‹โ€‹of your company.

#2- Find the emotion

A neutral publication will never become viral. Think about everything you see shared and shared on your personal social networks, viral publications will look for our feelings (humor, tenderness, anger, surprise …). These are the ingredients that will make users want to share your post, not politically correct or classic smoothed ads.

Of course, this formula is easier said than applied but if before posting content, you cannot identify what emotion can emerge, it is surely that you must consider it under another angle. Do you offer serious services and are used to offering a very institutional communication? Why not break your codes and publish a totally offbeat and humorous visual?

#3- Look for inspiration elsewhere

You are at the head of a small business or an SME and you do not have big resources to devote to your publications on social networks, do not hesitate to follow your competitors, your partners, to analyze your own accounts to find the publications that are most successful and inspire you.

The goal is of course not to reproduce identically, with often weaker means, posts that make the buzz. You must be able to find the emotion they have generated and how they implemented it to adapt it to your company, its products, its values โ€‹โ€‹…

And of course, you can rely on the know-how of a communication agency like ours to produce quality visuals that will arouse the emotion of your target 8-).

The reliability of the results of posted campaigns has often been controversial, especially in 2016. Several bugs have been found in the information provided in the Facebook Ads Manager. The average video viewing time was, for example, overestimated by 60 to 80% (views of less than 3 seconds were ignored). Other metrics have also been affected.

You can indeed advertise on Facebook and Instagram for:

  • Increase your notoriety,
  • Win followers on Instagram or Facebook page,
  • To drain traffic to your site,
  • Increase the commitment of your community,
  • Promote your app or your videos,
  • Get contacts,
  • Have more contacts on Messenger,
  • Generate conversions, sales or point-of-sale visits.
  • But results that lack transparency
  • Not everything is perfect.

As you can see, advertising on Facebook does not only have advantages but its potential is enormous. And Facebook is especially the online advertising platform to focus on when you have a small budget. By showing you creative when you create your campaigns, you have the opportunity to create an advertisement that relates to your business.

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