5 Greatest Myths and Facts About SEO

SEO has come a long way since it originally came into fruition. Of course, it became easy for people to abuse so that they could get their websites at the top of search engine results. However, technology is getting smarter every day, and has grown capable of weeding out sites that don’t have professional content. Here are 5 of the most popular myths related to SEO that don’t hold any weight.

SEO Is Dead

Most people believe that SEO is dead and no longer serves a purpose in today’s modern world. But that could not be farther from the truth. Especially with the use of Backlink Services, SEO helps people to find exactly the content that they’re looking for, as well as helping others in the business find each other so that they can network. Although SEO doesn’t generate as many clicks as they used to, that doesn’t mean that it no longer serves a function.

Duplicate Content Leads To Penalties

It was once believed that different URLs that had the same content would be penalized, but this is not the case. Someone’s website is not going to be removed from search engine results just because their content is similar to someone else’s. The only harm it brings is to the owner of the site itself. Duplicate content can lead to:

  • unfriendly URLs showing in search results
  • syndicated content that ranks higher than yours
  • dilution of backlinks
  • wasted crawl budget

It puts you in greater competition with other websites, but search engines aren’t going to bring down the gavel on your content.

Pay-Per-Click Doesn’t Increase Ranking

Pay-per-click ads can be an easy way to increase traffic to your site, but it’s not going to directly influence your rankings. Even if you’re using pay-per-click ads for specific search engines, those engines aren’t going to automatically rank you higher just because you’re paying them money.

The way pay-per-click ads do increase your rankings, however, is through attracting backlinks. If another site notices that you get a lot of traffic, they might want some of that funneled their way and backlink to your site to achieve that goal. In turn, that will increase your own rankings.

Long-tail Keywords Are Easier To Rank For

Long-tail keywords aren’t long strings of keywords put together. These are queries that have low individual search volumes. They have fewer searches are not usually easier to rank than other shorter, more popular keywords.

Keyword Research Isn’t Important

Just because pages are using hundreds of keywords in order to help with their rankings doesn’t mean that keyword research is dead. This is under the belief that there’s no point to optimizing one keyword when you can still get traffic for using hundreds of them. However, if you’re looking at volume and not actually fine-tuning what people are searching for, then you’re still missing out on a lot of potential traffic.

SEO is still going strong to this day and it is an element of online traffic that shouldn’t be ignored. Putting in the effort to do quality SEO work will definitely pay off in the long run, so don’t listen to these myths. They’re merely speculation.

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